Thursday 16 February 2012

Journey of My Life Chapter Six

Today a really wierd thing happened that I never really expected anything such will happen. . Same routine, I reached school and settled down at my regular place, and that was the time when a strange incident happened, infact we can say like a Miracle. . !! . . The whole class was surprised to see Alan enter class on time. . . . A regular late comer today had come on time. . . As usual Alan came and sat next to me. . Asked me for my notes to complete his. . He was completing it and the whole day passed as regular, pranks and teasing each other and all tht stuff. . . End of school Alan said he had not still completed his notes, so he needs my book to take home, But that day we got some homework so even I needed the book. Alan found a way , told me to give him my contact number and he would return my book by evening and he will call where to come and get the book. I agreed , Not Even having any hint about wat was about to happen and come up for me . . . 
Alan called in evening and i told him to come at my tuition classes and give the book. He came but as usual was late,made me wait. . He showed up wit lots of Sorrys and gave me a chocolate as apology for makin me wait. . And he gave me the book and went away but before going he said that he had something really important to talk to me so he will text me again at night. . . 
Alan text me around 9p.m and after all casual talks he came up to the point. . Said he wanted to tell me something since long but wasnt able to say it. . And me like dumb still was not able to figure out wat was actually happening. . 
Finally after moving around in circles He Proposed to me. . Said that he was in Love with me at the 1st sight. . He felt that bond and closeness wit me. And without even giving me a chance to respond he also said that he plans his future with me . . And I was like blank , dint know what and how to react at it. . that was the 1st time when someone had proposed to me in my life and never ever thought of such things , so all that was happening was just like something out of my world . . . .

I said I dont know wat to say and I never thought of anything like that wit you. . Alan said that he was ready to wait and gave me one week time to think over it. . And after that I stopped replying his text. . 
Next day at school he behaved like nothing happened but i was still stuck on those thoughts. . . That day i saw him writing my name joined with his name and surname and that time i was just dumbstruck. . I never wanted to get into any such relation cz Alan was not my kind of boy. . some things were there that i expected in my dream man but he was not totally my type. . 
Kept on thinking over this whole week and the weekend had arrived, my group planned to Bunk school and go for a Movie on Saturday. . I was really scared cz it was the 1st bunk of my life. . 
Next day was Saturday and we dint go to school, instead we all met outside and had snacks and went for a Matinee show. . I was scared but even loved the excitement of bunking school. . We all were in the movie, Alan was sitting next to me but today I was feeling strange being next to him. It was not a normal feel and i was not able to understand wat it was but then as my regular nature, things cant bother me for more time, So i switched my attention to the Movie and started enjoying it and totally forgot about things. .

Just then my phone rang and it was my dad. . He asked me where I was and I behaved normal,said that i was at school. . But think he knew where I was actually So he told me to stop my rubbish and get back home. . I was much in Panic and dashed towards home . . At home my battlefield was ready. . Dad and mom started scolding me and I was just having one statement, "I was in movie Wit friends and not at school." Dad told that he wanted to meet all my friends who were wit me in the movie. . I called them up and they were ready to come home in 2hrs. .Meanwhile, dad's Relative came to meet him. .
Dad and Uncle were talkin, just then my friends came and sat in front of my dad and the introduction session started. . All girls introduced themselves and boys too. . 
Now it was Alan's turn to introduce himself. . Alan was not havin any idea that the sky was gonna crash on him and neither any of us had any idea either. . . .
He said about himself, and also added extra things like wat his dad does and all that, And that was it. . . . . My Uncle(dad's relative) came up wit the suprise when he Heard about Alan, Uncle told my dad that Alan was my dad's NEPHEW . . And Alan was just like Blank had a wierd expression on his face seemed gettin pale. . . My dad was very happy to meet Alan, but for Alan it was End of the world and even me and all other friends were at shock. . My dad said that he had lost his contact wit those relatives and today he got them back when he got Alan. . . 
The any who proposed to me a week before,Who was in love at 1st sight wit me. . Was my cousin. . !!! It was the 1st WTF moment of my life. . . we all were blank altogether. . . The boy who proposed to me was my cousin?????. . dint know wat to do be happy or sad. . . 
O Gosh. . !!!. Now everyone took leave and Alan's was really very upset. . I went downstairs to see off my friends and Alan was constantly lookin at me and i felt that he still had many things to tell me. . I saw tears in his eyes, he had realised that our relation which he expected was never possible anymore. . . . I was feeling hurt seein Alan so depressed, but that was it, nothing could be done, wats happened is done and thats to be accepted. . . This was the most wierd day of my life. . . Never expected in my nightmares that any such thing will ever happen to me ever. . . . Truly said LIFE COMES UP WIT SURPRISES. . . ALL YOU NEED IS TO BE PREPARED TO BE SHOCKED. . .

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